Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Visit to Forensic Lab

I have joint Honours program in our college and as a part of the programme we had a vist to Forensic lab of Mumbai. It was indeed a great experience. We started with balistics where diferent types of guns were shown. Then we went to the physical....biologivcal and toxic lab where different experiments are conducted to find the evidence. Then we happen to vist the physics part where stamp scandles and other such things are worked up. It was a great experience

It was a great pleasur to visit the lab. Thins that wer not known so far came to light. How a speck of blood or serum can lead u to the culprits identity. How few nanometers of rays can proove the difference between reality and fraud., strange but true. Crime unfolds..!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Movement without meaning!

A seminar on Movement without meaning is pointless was conducted by Mr Chris Webster from the University of U.K on 14th of december 2007.
The seminar gave an insight as to how can a tiny change in movment can change th meaning completely and how important it is for a meaning to sustain with movements.
Five films were showcased which were made by the UUK students of animation. It was indeed a great experience to personally talk to Mr. Webster.